SMI'07 Shape Modeling International



The SMI'07 program will include full paper presentations and short paper sessions.

Full papers are expected to be 10 A4 pages at most, and should present previously unpublished original results that are not simultaneously submitted elsewhere. All papers will be peer-reviewed, by at least three reviewers. The accepted full paper contributions will be presented during the plenary sessions and will appear in the conference proceedings. Sketches, or short papers, are expected to be 6 A4 pages at most. The accepted short papers will be included in the proceedings and presented during the plenary sessions as short presentations. After the conference, selected papers will be invited for special issues of major journals devoted to the conference results. In the past, these special issues have appeared in The Visual Computer, the International Journal on Shape Modeling, and Graphical Models.

Full and short papers should be submitted electronically using the online submission system as PDF files only. Abstracts are first requested to facilitate the review process. For those who plan to use LaTeX or MS-Word for compiling their manuscripts, we recommend you to use the style file or template available through the IEEE CS sites:

8.5" x 11", Two-Column Format (PDF, DOC, HTML, LaTeX, PS).
8.5" x 11", Two-Column Format Layout Guide (PDF, DOC, PS).

Click here to access the online submission system.

The size of the paper file should not exceed 10MB. Submissions can include material in other media such as demos, images and video. These additional files should be stored in a single tar-gzip (.tgz) or zip (.zip) archive not exceeding 25MB. If you plan to upload larger files, please contact us by e-mail at smi07-chairs AT

The proceedings are scheduled to be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. If you have any problems with paper submission, please contact us by e-mail at smi07-chairs AT

Last modified November 30, 2006